At a Special General Meeting (SGM) convened to discuss the merger proposal with Chester City Independent Supporters' Association (ISA) and the creation of City Fans United, Trust members voted overwhelmingly in favour of such a move. A vote on the interim committee for CFU was also voted on and carried.

The next stage of the process is for the ISA members to take a similar vote at their SGM on next Monday.




POSITIVE REACTION  - Friday 14 August 2009

Blues supporters came out of the City Fans United meeting last night really encouraged by the groundswell of opinion that exists for a unified fans group.

We will now continue work with our partners, Chester City Independent Supporters Association, to deliver such a group by October 2009.

The mood of the meeting captured the future rather than the past and we thank all those who made valuable and constructive contributions. Additionally, we are indebted to Charles Lambert for his excellent performance in the chair.

Trust Board Member Kevin Jones said "I believe that the meeting achieved what was intended and that by keeping it non-partisan, we were able to focus on the future rather than rake over the ashes of the past, the fact we had 61 membership enquiries speaks for itself".



Football will return to Chester this weekend after an extended summer break! Our best wishes go to the team and manager, Mick Wadsworth - who more than most will have been wondering what the future held for them.

Thankfully, sense has prevailed and the supporters no longer have to wait for their dose of the Blues.

We hope that the club can move on, perhaps learning the lessons in an attempt not to repeat this dance with death again.

In a similar vein, those who govern football need to realise that decisions in far away offices really do have an effect on fans and perhaps a review of communication protocols ought to be considered.


BBC RADIO  MERSEYSIDE COVERAGE - Thursday 13 August 2009

Trust Chair, Tom Jones was on Radio Merseyside's Breakfast programme today, ahead of the key FA meeting with the Conference. Click here for more.


FA STATEMENT - Tuesday 11 August 2009

The FA has issued a statement regarding Chester City.

An FA spokesman said: "Throughout this process The FA has sought to resolve this matter as speedily as possible whilst ensuring that football's rules and the integrity of its competitions are safeguarded.

"The issues arising from Chester City's administration have been complex. Whilst we understand the anxiety of the club and its supporters, we have to consider the wider interests of the game. As the governing body, it is The FA's responsibility to sanction the running of English football competitions and ensure that the rules of those competitions, as well as those of The FA, are respected.

"The FA is concerned that the proposed arrangements between Chester City and the Football Conference are inconsistent with Conference rules. We have asked for an urgent meeting with the Conference on Thursday to try to resolve outstanding issues."


Through Supporters Direct, the Trust continue to seek answers and some closure on the issue which is causing understandable worry, resentment and apathy within the fanbase.



The BBC's Non League Show has again featured the continuing situation at Chester City. Trust Chair, Tom Jones added our thoughts. Also featured is Kevin Rye of Supporters Direct.

Listen to the feature here. (WMA file)



At this critical point, Chester City Supporters' Trust are attempting to bring to fruition actions that will negate the issues that currently prevent the club from playing football and threaten the continuance of the club.

On behalf of the supporters of this club, we make a plea to those in a position to make things happen to do so. We also request that the Football Association and the Football Conference be patient as we attempt to save 124 years of football heritage.


GOOD LUCK MICK - Friday 7 August 2009

A week to forget? - Probably we would like to put this week out of our heads but our brush with the brink will rest in the minds of many, sadly it may influence their opinion for a long time to come.

However, we believe that now is an apt time to say Good Luck to Mick Wadsworth and the team as they begin a big ask. Supporters - whatever you think and whatever your politics, back the lads as they go into battle wearing the proud blue and white shirts of Chester City Football Club, established in 1885!



Trust Chair Tom Jones took part in a studio discussion on the BBC's Non League Football Show this evening in which the latest tumultuous times at The Deva Stadium were under discussion.

You can hear the City section of the programme by clicking here. (MP3 format)



Following recent communication with the football club and its statement on the official web site, Chester City Supporters Trust is extremely concerned about the current state of affairs.

As both creditors and shareholders of the old company the Trust, on behalf of its members and all City fans alike, is seeking more information with regard to the implications of yesterday's Court ruling via its umbrella organisation, Supporters Direct.


IN THE DARK - Sunday 26 July 2009

We had an article published in today's edition of the 'Non-League Paper', in the article, Trust Chair Tom Jones asks what is going on at Chester City. Download a PDF file here.


 TRUST NEWS - Friday 24 July 2009

Chester City Supporters Trust and the ISA are involved in ongoing negotiations to bring about a single fans group - the most recent dialogue being last night (23 July).

The Exiles have decided not to join with the Trust/ISA at this point BUT are supportive of working together with any single fans group in the future. The Officials, led by Barrie Hipkiss have no subscribed membership but Barrie is being kept abreast of developments.

The Trust believes that the formation of a single group is what the fans want and what its members have asked for at a recent SGM and AGM. The Trust Board are passionate that the end result will be democratic group based on the IPS model which is fully inclusive.

Chester City Supporters Trust cannot see any reason why this cannot be brought about very soon and hope to have positive news to release shortly.

The Trust and ISA representatives have been in touch with the football club as Stephen Vaughan recently mentioned.

The Trust have also requested information from the FA through Supporters Direct and have also spoken directly to the club yesterday offering any assistance to Bob Gray in resolving the current issues.



Chester City Supporters' Trust Chair, Tom Jones and board colleague Kevin Jones met with Stephen Vaughan at the Deva Stadium this morning, over a period of 2 hours much was discussed, more will be reported in due course.


 CONGRATULATIONS BRIAN! - Saturday 13 June 2009

Chester City Supporters' Trust convey their congratulations to Mr. Brian Lomax, Chair of our umbrella organisation, Supporters' Direct who has been awarded an OBE in the Queen's Birthday honours list.

Brian gave our us inspiration and guidance when this Trust was founded and has been pivotal in the establishment of the Trust movement nationwide.


TRUST SHOW SUPPORT FOR CVA - Thursday 11 June 2009

Chester City Supporters' Trust today attended the Creditors and Shareholders Meeting held at the Deva Stadium to discuss and vote upon the acceptance of a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) for Chester City Football Club Limited.

The Trust voted in favour of the CVA - as not to do so placed the future of football in this City in jeopardy.

The CVA will see the Trust and other like creditors, receive - over a prescribed time period - repayment of the debt owed at a rate of 15p in the pound.

In a related development, after this mornings meeting, Stephen Vaughan re-iterated his desire to involve the Supporters' Trust and ISA in the future. The Trust Board await further details on this proposal and will discuss the matter further.


 CHRONICLE STATEMENT - Friday 5 June 2009

The following article first appeared in last week's Chester Chronicle:

CHESTER City Supporters Trust is in existence to help bring the club forward. It always has been and always will be.

At this moment in time the club are in dire straits, are in administration and are looking for an entrance into the Conference.

The Supporters Trust, as a creditor and shareholder, obviously has a great interest into what happens at the football club.

The Trust has been asked to attend a meeting with Stephen Vaughan, together with a member of each of the other supporters groups. At this moment in time, we don't know when that meeting is but we intend to attend and hear what Stephen Vaughan has to say. Based on what he says, we will decide which way forward we will go.

We believe that David Jones has now withdrawn his bid for the football club and we do also comment that David Jones has always showed true sincerity in what he does and how he acts, but when asked the question regarding his plans for the football club and whether he had business plans in place, he took it as his integrity was being questioned. This was not the case at all.

We ask all fans, whether they be possible sponsors, previous sponsors or single fans who have lost interest and sense of pride and passion in the football club, to possibly consider joining the Supporters Trust as a member and donating to the Supporters Trust's loan fund, details of which can be found at

We wish the club well and any future owner of the club. We hope to have a close working relationship with them and we will monitor events on a daily basis and act accordingly under the constitution of the Chester City Supporters Trust.

Chester City Supporters Trust Chair


 VAUGHAN PROPOSAL - Wednesday 3 June 2009

The recent invitation to a meeting by Stephen Vaughan, concerning possible supporter participation at Chester City FC (in the event of his bid for the club being acceptable) is currently under discussion by the Trust.



The Annual General Meeting as required by our constitution was held on the 14th May. To view the minutes of that meeting, click here.

To view the report of the Acting Chair, click here.


TRUST SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING - Thursday 26 February 2009

An SGM was held on Thursday 19 February 2009 at The Bull and Stirrup.

The minutes for that meeting can be downloaded by clicking here.


TELL IT HOW IT IS STEPHEN - Friday 13 February 2009
The Trust are seeking assurances from owner Stephen Vaughan over the future direction of the club.

Trust Press Officer Tom Jones told the press this week: "We urge for Mr Vaughan to tell us 'warts and all' what the future holds for the club we support.

"The Trust believes uncertainty surrounding the true situation at the club is seriously affecting the level of support, not only by absent fans but also the relatively few fans still attending home games."

He added: "The Trust sincerely hopes that Mr Vaughan can find a way to attract the missing fans and sponsors back to the Deva as failure could be disastrous."


SPREADING THE BLUES - Thursday 5 February 2009

The latest edition of the Trust newsletter has now been published.

You can download a copy by clicking here.

The latest edition gives details of a planned Special General Meeting at The Bull and Stirrup, Chester on Thursday 19 February at 8pm.

It also has a round up of Trust news and a comment on the re-appointment of Mark Wright as Manager for the third time.



In light of recent events, the Trust Board would like to take the opportunity to respond to a number of unfair and inaccurate comments which have been aimed at some members of the board of Chester City Supporters Trust (CCST).

The aim of all Supporters Trusts is to deliver responsible, democratic representation at football clubs to help promote the highest standards of governance, financial accountability and community re-orientation. The Trust is operated as an Industrial and Provident Society (IPS), owned by our members, and governed under regulation of the Financial Services Authority (FSA). As such, we are required to hold an Annual General Meeting (usually in May) and submit an annual return to the FSA.

All those who stand for election, and are appointed to the Board by the membership at the AGM, are unpaid volunteers who give up their own time, often at their own personal expense, in order to operate the Trust. Whilst some of the activity may not be as dynamic or responsive as some expect, there is not always the resource or support to influence this.

The Trust is most definitely not a "closed shop" and the board welcome any member involvement and offers of support. The Trust operates to the model rules established by Supporters Direct, with all decisions made by the board discussed and minuted at regular (usually monthly) meetings.

The CCST has always being supportive of positive initiatives from Chester City Football Club, and is fully supportive of any individual who can demonstrate actions which benefit the current and long term future of football in the City of Chester.

The Trust prefer not to discuss specific issues which are felt have no impact on the operation of the Trust, however, we feel recent events make this unavoidable.

At the recent fixture between Chester City FC and Bournemouth AFC, a member of the Board was invited to attend the game as a guest of Paul and Louise Baker. The offer was not extended to the Trust, but to the individual and wife, who all happen to be close personal friends. Indeed the invite was also extended to other Chester supporters unconnected to the Trust.

Also, at a recent fans meeting, a member of the Board who was asked to represent the Trust was verbally attacked for holding a view not shared by many of those at the meeting. Whilst the Trust do not uphold the personal stance taken by the elected member, the Trust accept this is a view shared by a number of fans and members.

At the same meeting, sensitive information relating to the assignment of a loan from a Trust member to CCST was discussed. The reason for this not being in the public domain before this time is due to the detail of the transaction yet to be agreed, However, the Trust has taken advice from Supporters Direct, and would like to assure all members that the assignment is in the best interest of both the Trust and Chester City Football Club.

It was generally felt that the meeting focussed on dismissing much of the good work carried out by the CCST as very little had resulted in the direct financial gain of Chester City Football Club. Instead of being a meeting to help improve the club, it was clear that for some individuals present, the meeting was more valuable as an opportunity to embark on some anti-Trust propaganda for their own objectives.

Far from being an in-active, negative clique as portrayed at the meeting, over the years the Trust has discussed numerous opportunities with the club where their status as an IPS could open up areas of funding otherwise unavailable to the club. On every occasion, the club has not taken up these offers. In addition, in 2007, the Trust approached all parties having an interest in the lease of the Deva Stadium to broker a renegotiation of the restrictive covenants. This would have opened up new revenue generating streams for the club by allowing additional uses of the stadium facilities. All parties showed willing to enter these discussions but once again the initiative was thwarted due to inaction by Chester City Football Club.

The unwillingness which the club has repeatedly shown to grasp these opportunities has caused much frustration in particular for those long-serving Trust board members who have witnessed many such situations during their time with the Trust.

To move forward, the Trust Board will be calling a Special General Meeting (SGM) in the New Year to put forward a number of changes to its constitution, and also to give the opportunity for members to raise any questions about the current direction of the board, and where appropriate raise questions of individual members actions. Notice will be issued formally, along with the next CCST newsletter to all current members early in 2009.

Whilst the Trust is seeking no plaudits it was felt only appropriate that some of the Trust successes be re-iterated:

- fundraising on behalf of the Centre of Excellence and chosen charities
- operating the Official Website for several years
- design and printing of club marketing literature
- programme contributions, including match reports
- kick-to-win competition
- fans united event, aimed at bringing the supporters groups together

Again, whilst the Board would liked to have done more, only so much can be achieved with the time and resources available given the general reluctance of the club to co-operate. However, we welcome both new and existing members to show more interest in the activities and governance of the Trust, or simply offer their support to Trust events.

The Trust hopes this statement will clarify some of the recent negative comments and reassure its members about the work that is done, and the ways in which it is carried out. The Board will always endeavour to act in a transparent and professional manner in conducting business in the name of the Chester City Supporters Trust on behalf of its members and fans of Chester City Football Club alike.


STADIUM DEVELOPMENT - TRUST COMMENT- Wednesday 24 September 2008

Ambition is a driving force at any football club. Moving up the leagues and dreaming of being at the top of your game come second nature to footballers and managers, however, the route taken to get to the top undoubtedly is driven from the boardroom.

At Chester City, we have experienced many disappointments and it is fair to say that many fans have become immune to it all whilst still holding a candle for ambition and hope.

As a Supporters' Trust we encourage deliverable ambition and the best for the football club. We applaud the board for their ambitious plans for development of the Deva Stadium, providing a great facility for not only the club's supporters but also the greater Chester community.

It isn't surprising that earlier suggestions made by the Trust to milk the asset are now being pursued; perhaps our ideas were not as adventurous as those recently published, but we have long held the belief that development of a community-based facility is vital to a club like Chester City.

The club must now start to deliver - fans quite rightly see plans on a regular basis but then feel frustrated when the vision blurs in the passage of time.

There are still a few questions to be answered on this project, for example: How does this affect the tri-partite covenant with AVG-Shelf 11 and Chester City Council? Who will be the main financial beneficiary from any development?

We urge the club board to apply a degree of realism in this instance by planning only what can be delivered, and not creating problems for themselves (and the fans!) further down the line when over-exuberance turns into a financial nightmare. We would hope that the whole project is underwritten with a sound business plan which covers all bases and of course is costed to avoid situations like Rotherham's and Halifax's, where great ideas ended in half-finished "white elephants".

We hope that the club board think outside the box on what kind of businesses they wish to attract so that there is something for all quarters of the community.

The Trust believes that consideration be given to engaging with the fans on the project, and we would add that the supporters' groups may well be able to offer assistance and a different 'take' on things.


GUEST OF HONOUR 'OUR GREN'  - Tuesday 12 August 2008

The result may not have been the best, but club former No.1, Grenville Millington was guest of honour at Chester City's recent Carling Cup First Round Tie against Leeds United.

Trust President Grenville (centre) is pictured here with Trust Board Member Tom Jones and a representative of GPS Decorators of Chester.



The Supporters' Trust and GPS Decorators Limited of Chester are pleased to reveal that they will be joint matchball sponsors at Chester City's first round Carling Cup game on Tuesday 12 August 2008 against Leeds United.

The event will be funded by GPS Decorators who in turn have asked the Trust to take part in this important game for City.

Main guest on the night will be Supporters' Trust President Grenville Millington (pictured left).

The event is bound to spark a trip down memory lane for Grenville, as he featured in the all conquering Seals squad that conquered the then League champions Leeds just under 34 years ago.

Chester ran out 3-0 winners on Wednesday 13th November 1974.

The Blues went on to reach the semi finals in the competition, but their route to Wembley was eventually blocked by Aston Villa.

Grenville became Trust President 18 months ago in an honorary capacity after the Trust board decided the former keeper deserved to be recognised in some way for his sterling service to the club.


SPREADING THE BLUES - Wednesday 31 July 2008


Delivering on our commitment to regular communication with our membership, Chester City Supporters' Trust have recently distributed the Summer 2008 newsletter.

You can also download a copy of it here.

This edition covers our joint fans group initiative at the last Chester City v Wrexham derby, AGM debrief and general news items.

We also have a goodwill message to Simon Davies and the team ahead of the new season.



CITY FANS UNITED EVENT - Tuesday 26 March 2008

Members of Chester City Supporters Trust hosted by their Honorary President Grenville Millington are pictured with representatives of the Chester City ISA, Chester City Exiles and the Official Supporters Club at the recent 'City Fans United' event at the Wrexham derby game.

The event was held to capture a united front between the fans groups and to raise money for the Chester City Centre of Excellence.

Photo courtesy of the Chester Evening Leader.



WEBSITE CLARIFICATION - Thursday 13 March 2008

The board of Chester City Supporters' Trust wish to make some observations in relation to an article carried by today's Chester & District Standard Newspaper.

We hope that these observations will clarify the matter.

  • The Club did request a log-in, however, the website editorial staff felt this compromised their position. After all, the established arrangement had worked without an issue for 5 years. Because of this, a letter was delivered to the club giving 28 days notice of the Trust's intention to discontinue their maintenance of the Official website.

    We also made a press release covered by the Chester Chronicle, you can view that press release here.

  • Full details of the service provider and contact details were enclosed in the Trust's letter to the club dated 15 February 2008.

  • The matter of the Official website was not mentioned to the Trust representatives during their meeting with Stephen Vaughan on 9th February 2008. Click here to view the agreed minutes of this meeting.

  • On Tuesday 11th March, the service provider contacted the Supporters' Trust to enquire whether it was still the Trust's intention to have their user accounts removed from Friday, 14th March.

    It was confirmed that our original 28 day notice period was still effective. During the course of this conversation it was confirmed that no-one from Chester City Football Club had contacted them to effect a seamless transition, in spite of the Trust's providing this information in their notice letter.

  • Chester City Football Club were advised that the Official website platform was still there to be used by any nominated users that the football club wished to setup from Friday 14th March.

  • In the week ending 25th January, the club mentioned that they were looking into the Premium TV website platform as an alternative to the current set up. Due to the time involved in setting up a new site, it was highly likely that the editorial staff would have stood down in any event had this occurred due to a lack of time available to them.

    The changeover from the initial website to the current provision, took our members some 3 weeks of hard work in preparation.

    The domain name was purchased by and is owned by Chester City Supporters' Trust.

  DevaTXT SERVICE - Wednesday 5 March 2008

The Trust has operated the DevaTXT system for a number of years.

Our member Campbell Smith has been the backbone of the service, he has sacrificed his match day experience in order to keep fans not at the game up to date.

However, the advent of real-time coverage via outlets such as Sky Sports News and BBC Score, has seen a progressive downturn in the number of people subscribed to DevaTXT. 

It has reached such a point, that the minimum payment threshold set by platform provider is not reached on regular basis. Therefore, the service is not viable any longer.

We would request that subscribers do not purchase any further credits as the service will cease after the Wrexham game on the 9th March.

We would like to thank Campbell for all his work on DevaTXT over the years and of course all those who have used the service in the past.

If you need to log-in to cancel any automatic top-up facility, please click here.


TRAINING VENUE PUZZLEMENT - Friday 15 February 2008

Having read the Liverpool Daily Post we are encouraged by the news on plans for a new training facility and we wish the club well on this project.

However, we feel that the article may not have given due credit to the club main sponsor, UK Sameday.

We have been led to believe that the development at Sealand, has been funded initially by UK Sameday and thereafter would be subject to grants from the Football Foundation.

The Daily Post article fails to mention this key aspect of the project.

Trust representatives have been introduced to Mr. Stuart Banks (the landowner at Sealand) and he seems very keen to assist in this project which is also great news.

OFFICIAL WEBSITE PROVISION - Friday 15 February 2008

The Supporters' Trust has developed and maintained Chester City FC's official website for over five years.

This has been carried out at no expense whatsoever to the football club and often at personal financial and timely costs to the individuals who maintain and edit the site.

The editorial team is passionate about the website and has taken a personal pride in keeping it up-to-date, often retrospectively due to other outlets being briefed first, and often putting themselves out to maintain what has been considered to be an excellent service.

However, the Trust Board has reviewed this current arrangement and has given the club fair notice of its intention to cease operating the site from 14th March 2008.

The Supporters' Trust has gained great satisfaction in providing this free service to the football club and would take this opportunity to wish its successors good luck in the future.


MEETING MINUTES PUBLISHED - Friday 15 February 2008

Last Saturday, Stephen Vaughan met with Trust Chair Paul Reid and Board Member Tom Jones.

We are now in receipt of the agreed minutes from Stephen Vaughan, owner of Chester City Football Club.

Mr. Vaughan has agreed the document you can download here is an accurate representation of the discussion.

The Trust would like to thank Mr. Vaughan for his hospitality and time.


A NEW WAY TO HELP THE TRUST - Wednesday 1 November 2006

Another new way to help raise much needed funds to help support it's aims and objectives, Chester City Supporters Trust have established number of affiliate schemes with over 40 well known online retailers, who will donate a percentage of any sales where people have clicked through to their store from one of the links on our site.

For a full list of participating retailers, click on the Affiliates link in the left-hand menu bar.

This is a great way to help the Trust which costs you nothing, so if you are thinking of doing any of your Christmas shopping online, check out our affiliate link first.


A PAL TO HELP YOU PAY - Wednesday 11 October 2006
Solution Graphics

Following suggestions from a number of our members, it is now possible to make donations to the Chester City Supporters Trust using Paypal. Just click on the Donate button at the bottom of the left hand menu bar!

It is not currently possible to use Paypal for membership or loan note payments, however, we are looking to offer this is the future, along with standing order payments so you don't have to worry about future renewals.



The Trust offers various grade of membership from individual to corporate and business membership.

Download a copy of the membership form PDF format [21kb], or Word format [21kb] here.

In March 2001 Chester City Supporters Trust launched the Loan Fund. This is the vehicle that enables the Trust to build sufficient capital to fulfil our dream of having a meaningful supporter's director at Chester City FC.

Loan Fund Q&As
Loan Fund Terms

The Chester City Supporters' Trust was set up by representatives from all five supporter groups at Chester City FC; Chester City Official Supporters Club, Chester City Exiles, Independent Supporters Association (ISA), The Executive Club and the Disabled Supporters Group to work towards Chester City FC becoming a supporter owned club.


Copyright 2006 Chester City Supporters Trust | webmaster